De rijlessen worden aangeboden in een Volkswagen Golf. Dit zijn betrouwbare en makkelijk te besturen auto's. Ideale auto om het autorijden in te leren dus!
Instructeur met ruime expertise (opgeleid door de beste opleider van NL)
Opleiding op maat
Garantie op kwalitatieve lessen
Positieve sfeer
Flexibele lestijden naar wens (avonden mogelijk)
Weekenden beschikbaar
Geen wachttijden
Spoedopleiding mogelijk
What Client Says About Us
The school offers the following services for Teenage first-time drivers, new adult learners and existing drivers with lapsed licenses..
As founder of Drively, Abdi Moalim draws on more then 5 years of business management experience. He graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Political Science
Stephanie Wall is dedicated to make sure all individuals have an equally great experience with traffic school. Her devotion to the company is evident, with the countless amount of positive experiences.
John is a fantastic instructor and made him feel really comfortable. They focused on everything important and when it came test time my nephew wasn't nervous at all because he had been trained so well.